Publishing sponsored content

For publishing sponsored content, first you need to add a sponson on your dashboard, under Post Sponsors:
Click on Add sponsor and fill out the form:
  • Name: name of the sponsor;
  • Logo: image size must be 300 x 300 pixels, otherwise it will crop to fit in the format;
  • Sponsor text (top): a custom text that appears before the title of your article;
  • Sponsor text (bottom): a custom text that appears after the sponsors logo;
  • ID: an ID will be automatically created after saving the new sponsor.

To save the sponsor, just click on "Update" on the "Publish" sidebar.

Now, on the sponsored article post on WordPress, switch the "Sponsored Content" to "Yes" on post options:

Your post will automatically receive a sponsored banner on the top of the page, the sponsor's logo at the bottom and a banner on the post thumbnail:
Sponsored content on the sidebar

Immersive story template

To create a post with cover image in full width, follow the steps below:
  1. Edit or create a new post with a featured image;
  2. On the top right corner, click the icon that says "Indie Tech Parent Settings";
  1. On the new sidebar, select "Sidebar" section and chose "No sidebar";
  2. On the "Page Header", select "Cover image

Check the gif below:

To sum up, the settings for the immersive story template are:

Commenting Feature

You can allow comments on a specific post. To allow commenting, look for the post sidebar on the post editor, find the "Discussion" section and click on "Allow comments"

Reading progress indicator

The reading progress indicator is a visual cue for the readers at the top of your posts. It indicates how far you have read as you scroll and it's best fit for long articles. It's thought to motivate readers to continue reading and scroll down the page. This feature is automatically added to all posts and no action is required.

Changing featured post on the homepage

By default, the featured post on the homepage is set to show the latest post.

To change that, edit the home page, select the featured post and toggle off “Show the latest post”. A search box will appear (Search for a Post). Just type the title of the post you want to be displayed and click on it on the results list