Ad advertiser user account allows advertisers to access all statistics related to their account. They cannot manage or access information about zones or publishers, they also cannot upload items to the Media Library.

Advertiser accounts can also access the account's conversion tag, which is used to track conversions.

Advertiser statistics are found in the Statistics Reports and Advertiser sub-sections within the Statistics section. 

Creating an Advertiser Account

  1. Click on Advertisers in the left navigation menu. The Advertisers section will appear.
  2. Navigate to the relevant advertiser.
  3. Click on Edit Advertiser Properties in the right menu. The Edit Advertiser page will appear.
  4. Check the Enable Dashboard Access box.
  5. Enter the email of the person to which you are providing access and set a password (optional).
  6. Click Save this Advertiser.

Indie Ads Manager will send the account password and login instructions to the email address you provided.