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Exclusion List

Learn what an Exclusion List is within the world of our Indie Email system.

Updated over a week ago

What is an Exclusion List?

An exclusion list consists of a list of email addresses of readers who have requested to not receive any campaigns and automation emails from a specific sender.

How does a reader get added to an Exclusion List?

This happens when a reader or subscriber (also known as a contact) flags an email/campaign as spam.

Removing a reader from the Exclusion List

Sometimes a reader or subscriber changes their mind and would like to start receiving email/campaigns from the sender they previously flagged as spam. These are the steps to removing them from the Exclusion List:

Confirm that they are actually on the Exclusion List

  • Go to your Indie Email portal

  • Go to contacts > search for the contact > go to their personal information page

    • Go down to the section called Lists > click on whichever type of list they are subscribed to (e.g. Main List)

    • This will open a window that will show a few useful information about the contact’s subscription, but the main thing we are looking for is a red bar that only appears if the contact is on the Exclusion List.

This red bar states:

“This contact is on the exclusion list because they reported your email as spam”.

Reader’s request email

Now that we have confirmed that the contact is indeed on the Exclusion List, let's see what we can do to remove them from it.

To remove the contact from the Exclusion List, they will need to provide clear evidence of their intentions by:

  1. Writing an email to the Indiegraf Customer Support Team ([email protected]) requesting/stating that they would like to start receiving emails from the sender (publisher's name) again.

Note: The contact’s name and email address must be visible in the screenshot sent to the support team.

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