How can I cancel subscriptions?

You can cancel subscription immediately or at the period end.
  • Either navigate to the subscriptions list page or alternatively, to the subscription details page
  • Click on the three dots "···" menu to the right-most column of the desired subscription, followed by "Cancel Subscription"
  • You can choose between cancelling the subscription immediately, or at the end of the subscription. If you cancel a subscription immediately, and the associated plan supports refunds, your customer will be refunded the prorated amount for the period during which the subscription has not been used yet. The refund can either be processed to the source credit card, or alternatively reflected on the customer's balance.
  • Choose the desired option, and click OK
Customers can also manage their subscriptions on your website logged area:
  • After login in, just click in "My account"
  • Select "Subscriptions" and choose among the active subscriptions
  • Click in "Cancel"

How can I update credit cards?

You can manually change your customer's credit card information on Pelcro platform. For that, you'll need to:
  • On the Customers page, find the customer that needs to change the credit card info. You can user the top search bar for that
  • After selecting the customer, click on "Payment methods"
  • Click on the "Add a card" sign (green round button with a +)
  • Fill out the form and click "Add card"
  • Now you can click on the three dots "···" of the new card and then click on "Set as a default"
  • The old card can be deleted by clicking on the three dots "···" next to it and clicking on "Delete card"
f it doesn't work, you may need to find the customer on Stripe and delete their credit card information there
  1. On Stripe go to Customers and filter by email
  2. Below payment methods, you will see a trash bin icon. Just click on that.
  3. On Pelcro, search the email on the Customer tab. Click in Payment Methods. Click on three dots next to the card and select Delete Card.
Customers can also update their credit card information on your website logged area:
  • Click on "Login" button on the menu and insert your email and password
  • If you can't remember your password, click in "Forgot your password" and enter your email. You will receive instructions to reset your password via email
  • After login in, just click in "My account"
  • Select "Payment Cards" and click on the pencil icon
  • Update your credit card info and click in "Submit"

How can I create a subscription?

Subscriptions can be created on Pelcro when users complete their sign up process through your website or manually through the Pelcro platform.

When you create a subscription you need to create an account first so the customer can control if they want to unsubscribe:

▶️ Video: How to Create a New Customer

After that, you can select the newly created customer in order to create a new subscription for them:

▶️ Video: How to Create Subscriptions on Pelcro Platform

To manually create a subscription through the Pelcro Platform:
  • On the Subscriptions page, click on "New" on the top right-hand side of the page
  • You will then be prompted to select an existing customer in order to create a new subscription for them
  • Once a customer has been selected, you will then be required to select the existing product to which your customer will be subscribing to
  • It's important to note that in cases when taxes are enabled for the customer account, you will have to provide the customer's address information, or alternatively, select an existing address from the saved addresses (even if the address is not required for the product of choice)
  • Next, you will then need to fill out the Payment Method. You can select different payment methods, such as Credit card payment, Offline payment, or to directly invoice the customer
You can optionally:
  • Add a coupon to apply a discount
  • Edit or remove the trial period for this subscription
  • Gift a subscription to the customer, if the gift feature is supported for the customer, in which case, you will need to fill out the fields under the "Gift" section for the recipient's name, email address, and start date
  • Finally, click on "Start Subscription" in order to save the provided information and activate the subscription

How can I upgrade subscription?

You can't upgrade or downgrade a subscription on Pelcro's platform. Instead, you need to cancel the current subscription and then create a new subscription for your customer.

So you will need to:

  • On the customer list page, click on the desired customer

  • Click on the three dots "···" menu of the subscription, followed by "Cancel Subscription"

  • You'll be prompted to choose between cancelling the subscription immediately, or at the end of the subscription. Note that if you cancel a subscription immediately, and the associated plan supports refunds, your customer will be refunded the prorated amount for the period during which the subscription has not been used yet. The refund can either be processed to the source credit card, or alternatively reflected on the customer's balance
  • Choose the desired option, and click OK
  • Click on the "Add a new subscription" sign (green round button with a +)
  • Select the desired subscription plan and fill out the form

  • Next, you will then need to fill out the Payment Method. You can select different payment methods, such as Credit card payment, Offline payment, or to directly invoice the customer

  • Click in "Start Subscription"

Customers can also manage their subscriptions on your website logged area:
  • After login in, just click in "My account"
  • Select "Subscriptions" and choose among the active subscriptions
  • Then click on "New subscription" and select the best recurrency and plan
  • Click in "Cancel"
  • Then click on "New subscription" and select the best recurrency and plan

How can I manage payments?

We support payments via card, Apple Pay and Google Pay.

When your collaborators create subscriptions manually for your users through the platform, you can make a payment directly through the platform. You can select different payment methods, such as Credit card payment, Offline payment, or to directly invoice the customer.

At the Payment section you'll have the options to:

  • Automatically charge a payment source on file, under which you'll be able to select one of your stored payment information through your payment gateway from a dropdown
  • Add a new card on file which you can use to pay for the subscription
  • Or, invoice the customer directly and receive payment via cash, checks, bank transfers, postal orders, or any other offline means
  • Your customers can also make payments directly through your website when they are signing up, subscribing to one of your products or services, or purchasing an eCommerce order during the checkout process. Payments will be reflected directly on the platform

How can I add collaborators?

As an account owner, you have the option of adding more users or "collaborators" to your account:
  • Go to Settings > Collaborators where you can manage collaborators on your account
  • From the top right corner, click "Add a Collaborator"
  • Fill in the required details for your new collaborator (Name, Email, and Password)
  • Choose the desired role for your collaborator according to the needed permission level
  • Using the checkboxes, select the one or more sites for which you would like to grant the collaborator access to
  • Click Submit
Collaborators will not receive any notifications. You need to send the credentials to the collaborator.

Collaborators Access Control

You can assign a different set of access levels for each available site, or even specific sections of a site. Collaborator accounts can have one of the following predefined role levels, along with their corresponding permissions:
Allows unlimited access to your Pelcro account. The collaborator member can manage the account and the financial information.
Allows limited access to your Pelcro account. The collaborator can view customers, billing, tickets, and newsletters sections.
Allows limited access to your Pelcro account. The collaborator can view import section.
Allows limited access to your Pelcro account. The collaborator can view the customers, subscriptions, eCommerce, coupons, and import sections.

Managing Collaborators

You can access your site collaborators section by expanding the top right navigation menu under your name. From the dropdown menu, choose Settings > Collaborators. When you arrive at the collaborators section, you'll see a list of your current site collaborators, with name, email address, and permission level.
  • To Edit a collaborator, go to Settings > Collaborators
  • You'll see the list of the collaborators for your site. Click on the three dots "···" menu to the right-most column of the desired collaborator, followed by "Edit Collaborator"
  • You will be able to edit a collaborator's first name, last name, and phone number
  • To Delete a collaborator, go to Settings > Collaborators
  • Click on the three dots "···" on the right of the selected collaborator, followed by "Delete Collaborator"

How can I reset Customer's Password?

You can reset your customer's password on Pelcro's dashboard. The user can reset their own password on your website logged area.

On the dashboard

  1. Go to the Customer panel
  2. Select the desired customer from the Customer List by clicking either on the Name or on the three dots "···" menu to the right-most column, followed by View Customer
  3. Scroll down until you see "Actions" panel on the right sidebar
  4. Click on "Reset Password". A pop-up will appear, click on "Send Email"
  5. The Customer will receive an email with instructions. This email is valid for a week.
Alternatively, you can select "Change Password". On this screen you fill out the Customer new password. The customer WILL NOT be automatically notified.

On the website logged area

Customers can also change their password on your website logged area:
  1. After login in, click in "My Profile" and "Change Password"
  2. A modal will appear. Fill out the fields with the Current password, New password and Confirm new password
  3. Click Submit.
You cannot change collaborators password. For that, the collaborator will need to click "Reset your password" on the dashboard login area

Offline Payments

This is useful when you have customers that pays outside Pelcro. You create a customer and set the payment as Offline. Offline payments made by customers credit the customer's balance. As you can see in the image below, an offline payment of $100 created a negative customer balance on the customer's account. Offline payments can be used when a customer pays in cash, check or any other form of payment that will not be recorded via the platform.

Data and analytics

Analytics and reporting are crucial for businesses to improve their understanding of customers, gather insights, and boost product sales.
Pelcro offers a number of prebuilt reports and analytics which will provide your business with proper insights based on your subscription and customer data.
When logged into your Pelcro account, click on the "Analytics" tab to access all of your Business related analytics and reports:
Once you're on the Analytics page, you'll have the "Gross Volume" report displayed by default. Pelcro offers a list of available reports:
  • Gross Volume
  • Refunds
  • New Customers
  • Subscriptions by Sales Representative
  • New Subscriptions
  • Subscriptions by Payment Type
  • New Phases
  • Active Subscriptions
  • Churned Subscriptions
  • Canceled Subscriptions
  • Expired Subscriptions
  • Charges by Depositor
  • Product/ Plan Renewal Rate
  • Shipments Renewal
  • Subscriptions by Source
  • Subscriptions by Location
  • Subscriptions by Coupon
  • Invoices by Coupon
For each report you select, you'll have two types of information displayed on the page, the graph view and a detailed list. You can also adjust the date range and set it to whichever interval you wish to or you can display your data using the "Daily", "Weekly" and "Monthly" grouping

Fraud prevention

Pelcro takes a variety of different precautionary methods to ensure that your data and online operating experience are safe and secure when using the platform. There are 3 main fraud prevention options:

Risk Assessment Feature

When enabled, a risk assessment analysis is automatically performed for some end-users interactions on your website. Based on interactions history, our fraud prevention system determines if the request is either of low, medium, high or very high risk. For best results, select the "Block when request presents a high risk"

CVC Credit Card Check

When the option for "Decline credit cards when CVC check is set to unavailable" is enabled, only credit cards used for payment that has passed CVC checks would be allowed to complete a transaction.

Customer Email Verification

This method is recommended only if the methods above were not able to stop fraud attempts. If enabled, will require your customers to verify their email after subscribing. Pelcro will send out an email with a verification link to your customers. If they do not verify their email, their subscriptions or e-commerce purchases will not be processed.
This can greatly support you in Fraud Prevention as the customers will have limited functionality until they verify that they are using a real email.

How do I create a new invoice?

Often, readers update their payment information after a failed payment (e.g. due to CC expiry) but if the credit card was changed after the invoice was created, Stripe won’t charge the new credit card — it will continue to try billing the old one.
To fix that, Stripe’s support recommend you to cancel the invoice and create a new one for the new credit card. Here’s a step by step on Stripe. Stripe also suggests to ask the customer remove their old card first before they can attempt to pay the new invoice.